Friday, March 20, 2020

The Wilding of America Essays

The Wilding of America Essays The Wilding of America Paper The Wilding of America Paper but all inspections were announced. Hence, why bother! Kudos to the companies that have discovered this was happening with their own products and put an end to it. Wilding has also nested a place in religion. Charles Drabber stated Wilding in the church is then, arguably, the most dangerous type (Drabber 84). Does individualism overpower a belief or a message? We have Jimmy Swaggers and Jim Baker who admittedly preached about morals and values, yet had affairs with prostitutes nonetheless. We have John J. Goanna who was one of many priests in Boston who molested children. Cardinal Bernard Law, a highly respected and valued member of the church, sealed his fate when he attempted to cover up the Boston molestations by transferring the priests to other archdioceses. Religious wilding and corporate wilding are very similar in these aspects. Hurricane Strain. What kind of wilding would one associate with this horrific, life canalling, analogical numerical? As tenure personal winning: survival winning? Government wilding? Economic wilding? Media wilding? Yes, there was. First, lets talk about the media wilding, my personal peeve. The national media made out like bandits and were chomping at the bit regarding this hurricane. They showed stories of people dying, hurting, starving, stealing, shooting, and trying to get out. They were here, they got in. Were they going after ratings at the expense of people lives? Why didnt they bring in any food, water, tents, first aid kits? They got in to do the stories. Why couldnt they help people out? The media showed what they wanted you to see. Chaos! Anderson Cooper was right there in the thick of it watching old women struggle to get up a bridge. Why didnt he put his microphone down to go assist? Why didnt the cameraman? The media did not show survival wilding and that the majority of people looting were doing so to survive. They showed people walking out with televisions, tennis shoes and guns. What about the people walking out with food, and water and sharing that with other? They showed police shooting, arresting, and even occasionally sleeping in high rise garages. What about showing the police and military who were working for over 48 hours straight who were exhausted, had not eaten in days and were still walking through infested water to save people? All sorts of wilding was present during and far after Hurricane Strain. There were helicopter pilots who were being shot at. There were nursing homes that did not evacuate the members, all died. There were gas and other price gouging prevalent all over the southeast United States. There were faulty and negligent insurance claims made. There was lack of government support. Contractors contracting to do house repairs, getting paid, not doing the work and skipping town. There were people charging to do work that other volunteers would do for free. Wilding during and after Hurricane Strain was rampant to say the least. Student wilding also has been going for years and years. Although it seems to be more prevalent now then ever more so due to advances in technology. There are essays that are for sale on the internet or even on the campus. There are codes that can be formed during tests. There are discs being sold with answers on them. There re sales of the professors study guides with tests in them. If one looks hard enough, a cheat sheet or quick fix are out there. Who does this benefit though? Yes it might get you that A you are looking for, but on the flip side it does absolutely nothing to help you in the future. So you get an A in this class, and then take the requisite class and have no clue what the professor is talking about. The only people benefiting from this are the ones making the buck. There are even books on how to cheat. The author of these books sees nothing wrong with it claims its his First Amendment eight (Drabber 50).

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